This past weekend we went hiking near Multnomah Falls which is just East of Portland. Not a cloud in the sky and almost 70 degrees we decided to hike a little farther than what we had planned, but man was it worth it:)
The start of our hike... I would like to point out that my AMAZING husband is carrying both packs. At the start there was only one child in the packs, but as you will see the hike proved just a little to hard for the P-Man:). Good thing dad is a stud!
Preston REALLY like the cave. I think his exact words were "this is the coolest thing in the world". That is his new thing every time something is exciting or really fun it is the coolest thing in the world:)
On the way down both kids fell asleep and it was such a peaceful hike down. Poor Shad was DONE when we got to the bottom (I wouldn't have made it even a quarter of the way if I had to carry that "LOAD" haha) but he humored me and took me to the outlet malls that were a few miles away:) Such a great day!!!!!
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