This is Preston's modeling picture:) Shad keeps saying that we should move to Hollywood and make millions... I think I agree. Things are going well Preston is still not sleeping through the night on a regular schedule but I am keeping my fingers crossed. As of yesterday he weighs 12lbs 7 oz:)
Shad loves to hold Preston while he sleeps. I am so lucky to have a wonderful, caring, and loving man:). This night was a long one. Preston is still not sleeping more than 3 hours at a time during the night. Hopefully a better sleeping pattern will come sooner than later.
So this is our first post! Shad and I are so excited to be part of this little sharing world(thank you to Amy, Amber, Kristi and Sarah to sharing this cute idea:) ) We think that Preston may be going through a little growning spurt which is causing him to be in a REALLY bad mood. But you wouldn't be able to tell in this picture... he is growing so fast. Also grandma Roundy got him a new outfit for Halloween. He really is Daddy's little monster.